Building your business' resiliency through virtual events


“Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.” —Max McKeown.

When it comes to networking, many entrepreneurs and marketers know that in-person events are vital for developing relationships with your prospects and potential clients. 

Unfortunately,  exciting in-person events to help leverage businesses have gotten canceled or postponed due to COVID-19. Understandably, there’s so much uncertainty about delaying your event since we don’t know when things will return to the way they were. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of going digital. Fortunately, your business goals don’t stop because technology is here to stay. 

Here are the top reasons why many businesses have shifted to virtual events to leverage their companies’ best assets! 

A great alternative to in-person events. 

Word of mouth marketing is the main reason why many businesses take their marketing to the next level during in-person events. This can build sales relationships with your prospects immediately.  The beauty of in-person events is the immediate connection that you can create with your potential clients and pitch your sales in a more personalized way. 

As the news of COVID remains uncertain,  every business must adapt to the digital world to continue generating a sales pipeline. Virtual events are the most reliable source for an alternative to the postponed and canceled events. 

Adopting to virtual events may be different; that’s why creativity is essential!  However, they can still be as interactive as in-person events. Many online video call platforms have given users tools explicitly made for interaction - this helps event planners, hosts, and attendees the same experience they would receive at an in-person event. 

Time-saving and scalable planning.

Companies are taking the virtual event route because they are much more scalable than in-person events. Luckily, digital marketing works hand in hand with virtual event planning. Your company’s virtual event can be planned within weeks or even a few days and can be coordinated virtually. 

With in-person events, the planning leading up to it, finding a venue, catering, and other event collaterals are a few crucial things that must be taken into consideration when planning the event. If it were an international event, the workload becomes heavier. 

Of course, strategic planning and ensuring the event goes successfully is vital. However, virtual events give marketers more time to focus on the key points they want to touch base on without worrying about the tangible marketing collateral and event set up at an in-person event. 

More significant network reach and convenience!

The best part of virtual events is the more significant network reach. When you host an in-person event, there can be many factors in which attendees may cancel, such as; transportation, event location, or even the length of the program.  Low entry barriers are even more of a reason to take your event virtual. 

Low entry barriers a good advantage, but because attendees are in the comfort of their own homes - your event can go international. Of course, you’d want to segment your event accordingly and find your target market - however, this is a perfect way to tap into different locations to create a buzz. 

You cut-costs! 

Not only are virtual events a great backup solution to the canceled and postponed events, but virtual events save you a buck or two! The main costs of a virtual event are hosting platforms and digital marketing material. Of course, if your preference is to go grandyou can opt for a big studio and great mic equipment, but your costs compared to an in-person event will be significantly lower. 

When planning an in-person event, the costs that you’d have to worry about are: 

  • Travel costs 

  • Venue costs

  • Catering (Food and beverage costs) 

  • Audio and visual set-ups

  • Marketing collateral 

The main focus is on your brand! 

At an in-person event, there are so many variables used to butter up your brand, which is a complete must to give your guests value for attending your guest. Brownie points and takeaways are a great way to get your guests talking essentially, glitz and glam are vital for an event. 

As an event planner, you might worry that virtual events might not give off the same “wow” factor as a virtual event. However, virtual events can easily elevate your brand when planned strategically. With a virtual event, guests are in the comfort of their own home.  They have a choice of whether they want to attend your event or not. Chances are if they hit the RSVP  button they are going for a purposeto digest information, get their questions answered, and network! 

With that being said, the fluff may be necessary for your business’s in-person event, but during a virtual event, some of the tangibles won’t be there, which gives your brand the spotlight. This focus gives you the chance to highlight your brand’s best assets and to generate leads.  

Now, no fluff doesn’t have to be boring.  Give your guest value with a strategic and interactive event experience by utilizing digital tools such as polls, q&a sessions, and break out rooms. If you want to take your event to the next level, some successful virtual event planners have even taken the initiative by sending event PR packages to give their guests “real-time” experiences. 

Bottom line

Virtual events will definitely be something we’d have to get used to. Going from breathing freely and not wearing masks was not something we had planned, but we’re adjusting and making it work.  When it comes to virtual events, you might find it odd to socialize in a different setting, and you may feel like there are barrier s. However, it’s worked for many significant events that have been postponed this year. Taking your event virtual doesn’t have to feel like any other video conference call or webinar; it can get people talking, and It can be interactive! If planned strategically, it’s the most cost-efficient way to produce a very positive ROI. 

At Raven + Co, we understand the frustration of the cancelation of exciting events this year— however, building resiliency is essential for any business. We’re here to guide you through the virtual events you’re considering; through strategic planning, hosting, and execution, we’re here to help leverage your brand the right way.  We’re passionate about listening to your big ideas and executing them through a personalized approach with our discovery sessions. Take your brand to the next level and book a brainstorming session. Expand your digital space today! 


Adapt to the "new normal" by taking your brand digital!