Social media Expectations Vs. Reality!

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Make it stand out

Social media has turned the art of living into an act of performance.

Suppose you’ve been running your business for quite some time or have just newly launched your fantastic product or service. In that case, you must know that establishing a solid social media presence is crucial to help you convert in this digital age. However, it’s completely normal to have an x amount of expectations when getting onboard and promoting your product or service on various social media platforms. Defining these expectations and busting those myths is the first step to knowing how your social media strategy SHOULD work or if outsourcing a social media manager might be a smart move for you and your business. Keep in mind that your social media strategy is only one aspect of your marketing, and it has the potential to back up your overall business plan significantly. 

Let us guide you through the most common expectations business owners have when putting their business out there and the realities behind each expectation!

Expectation: I created content, posted it, and many people are going to see it. 

Reality: When creating content or material for your business, it must follow a strategy and data. Whether you have 10,000 followers or 500, not everybody is going to see your content. All social media platforms work with an algorithm, and you must also consider paid ads. All industries must create targeted, quality content for the ideal target audience. As a social media manager or a business owner, the key isn’t to create content for EVERYBODY but to create content for your perfect target audience. It’s important to know who your audience is, what problems they’re facing, what platform they’re on, and when they’re the most active. 

Expectation: My product or service speaks for itself, and there’s no need to exert my efforts in its marketing online. 

Reality: The online marketplace is a vast and booming place. Because of this, there are tons of new businesses and products in every niche industry. While you may have a fantastic product or service, not everyone is going to agree with you. How will you attract your potential customers to trust and do business with your brand vs. your competition? The answer is building an immersive customer experience and humanizing the brand behind that fantastic product or service. Inform your potential customers on your platforms about your product or service, beef up your offerings, and foster relationships when your audience communicates with you. The most significant element in your marketing strategy is telling a story and showcasing your unique proposition to your audience!

Expectation: I secured an x amount of sales online, my customers are happy, and I’m 100% sure they’re going to come back again. 

Reality: When it comes to your marketing strategy, the nurturing stage of your communication pillars is critical. As consumers, we’re quickly drawn to the “next best thing,” especially when it comes to purchasing decisions online. It takes more time to attract new customers versus retaining your current customer base. Relationship building and giving consistent value to your happy customers by sending them new promotions and exclusive updates will reassure them that you care about them. You’re the trusted brand to take on any challenge they have. It’s all about nurturing and building loyalty through the content you post and how you communicate with them through your chosen social platforms. 

Expectation: I’m a business owner. Therefore I should have control over everything, including my social media pages and my content. It’s terrifying to hand over power to a third party; it’s probably better if I do it myself.

Reality: Mastering the art of collaboration and outsourcing can be intimidating, but the ball is ALWAYS in your court. After all, this is your business, and you’ll always have 100% control of the decisions and the team you’ll lead. If you’re working with the right team and experts, your brand is destined to grow. Successful businesses outsource digital experts to save time, attract new talents, learn new strategies, and most importantly, build and nurture a loyal customer base that will take your brand to better and bigger digital spaces! 

If you’ve read this post and are convinced that your social media strategy needs a bit of a facelift, we got you covered. Collaborate with our digital experts and social media managers to help you bring your ideas to life and get you visible on any social media platform. Hop on a complimentary discovery session to help us create a tailor-fit strategy that’s exclusively for your business and industry. Our tailor-fit strategies help us define your ideal target audience and the unique selling proposition that will help you stand out from the competition! 

Click here for a complimentary discovery session!


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