Creating a buzzworthy brand launch!

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When the vision is clear, strategy is simple.


When it comes to launching a new business or a new product, it can be nerve-wracking but exciting! However, the whole purpose of creating a service or product is to sell. When it comes to getting your brand out in the digital world, it’s easy to get lost in the ever-growing marketplace. New businesses, new products, and services promote and launch by the second in different industry niches. With that being said, when it comes to the first impression, the biggest challenge is figuring out how to do it! Here’s how you can make your first impression last

Research your audience

First, researching your niche audience is an essential aspect of your business and launch strategy. As much as you want to reach as many people as possible, you must target the ideal customer you’d like to purchase your products or services. Spend time on market research and getting to know your industry. Before creating content to introduce your brand, you must put yourself in your customer’s shoes and consider if your first initial content will influence your customer’s buying decision. Ask yourself these questions: 

  • What will entice your customers to like your content? 

  • What will empower your customers to follow your social platforms to anticipate your upcoming content?

  • What will empower your audience to head over to your website?

  • Lastly, What will attract your customers to browse through your products and add to the cart?

One market research tactic is to gather inspiration from brands in your niche that have done it before. Get inspired by tactics that have worked for other brands in the past to get a rough idea of what you can do for your brand. Above all, know who your target market is!

Share teasers 

The most crucial part of a brand launch is to spread awareness about your brand and to get your word out there! An excellent way to start your launch is to create anticipation and excitement by creating teasers. For this to work, you must choose the right platform where your product would thrive off of and be the most active. A great platform to actively promote your launch teasers is e-mail. E-mail marketing doesn’t have to be cold; incorporating teaser emails to showcase your launching down to the details is a great way to create brand awareness! 

Collaborate with influencers and thought leaders!

When it comes to launching a product or service, it can become challenging for your potential audience to trust your brand from a first impression, no matter how compelling your digital content is. Influencer marketing can be a beneficial tactic for promoting teasers for your launch through strategic product placements on their platforms. To create a successful influencer strategy, you must identify influencers relevant to the products or services you’ll be launching and think inside your niche! Targeting influencers with thousands of followers right off the bat may seem like the right thing to do, but it’s crucial to target influencers that correlate with your brand’s core values and messaging. There are different platforms where you’ll identify and find relevant influencers for your brand category. Here are some essential pointers to remember when creating your influencer marketing strategy. 

  • How many followers does your potential influencer have? Do they fall under the micro, macro, or mega category of influencers? 

  • It’s essential to measure your KPIs. Will this influencer be able to reach your ideal target audience? Does their content have high engagements?

  • What industry niche does your influencer cater to? Are they lifestyle, tech, fashion influencers, etc. do they correlate with your marketing products or services? 

  • How much money in your budget will you allocate for your influencers? 

  • What platform will be used for promotion? 

Educate your target audience with brand knowledge! 

Brand awareness is vital for any new brand that’s planning to launch; it’s also a great way to initiate a discussion that involves your products or services. If your audience has limited information about your products or services, how can they talk about it? To generate conversation between your audience, creating informational content is a great way to spark their interests. Ensure that the content you’re publishing is engaging enough to keep your audience from scrolling past it so that you won’t lose your audience’s attention within seconds. If the content you’re producing is engaging enough, the chances of your audience resharing your content on their platforms are very high! 

When it comes to informational videos, it may be more time-consuming than generating articles, but videos tend to have a more significant impact than reading lengthy informative articles. One of the best product launch ideas is using short videos to highlight a product or service’s breakthrough and unique features. As consumers, we gravitate towards products or services that we can use in everyday life, relatable and trustworthy. 

Create an exclusive brand launch party (virtually) 

To give a new audience some mystery regarding your brand launch, create an exclusive pre-launch party!  This works great for products or services that require information, especially for business owners who are launching digital platforms such as apps or websites. Giving the first few customers beta access or product/service previews would empower your clients to talk about your brand and how they are excited about the launch. You can also incorporate the pre-launch party in your influencer marketing strategy to give your event some credibility. Now that we’re facing the new normal, virtual prelaunch parties would be something you can consider.  Of course, pre-launch brand parties for tangible products require a bit of strategizing. However, you can still tap into your prospect’s needs by empowering them to try out something “brand new.” by creating waiting lists, queues, and countdowns to create anticipation and exclusivity. 

Partner up with a brand expert! 

Are you planning to launch your brand, a new product, or service and need help creating buzz-worthy content to generate hype? Collaboration is key. Partner up with digital experts that support brands from start to finish, such as ours! We welcome brands, small or large, with open arms to help guide you through a brand launch blueprint from the awareness, consideration, acquisition, and retention phases of your brand's launch. Book a complimentary discovery session to help us gain more knowledge on your big ideas and new products or services, we’re excited to help you and your audience see the potential of your brand.


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