4 Realistic New Years Resolutions for Entrepreneurs!

2022, is the year of growth.

2020 was the year of the unexpected, downfalls, and challenges. Globally, everybody was affected by the pandemic, and businesses struggled to stay afloat. 2021 was the year we focused on adjusting, recovering and, trying new ways to adapt to the ”new normal“after the pandemic. Let’s face it, we’re still adjusting, and maybe for some of us, we’re still in full-on recovery mode, and that’s okay. A new year doesn’t necessarily mean a “new slate,” but it’s certainly a time for growth, especially if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a business owner. 

As a female-owned business specializing in digital spaces, we learned a valuable lesson to prepare and embrace the unexpected. Like software updates or algorithms, the way a business runs is never solidified. You must be ready for change and new strategies to pave your way to success. As cliche as “fresh starts” sounds, there’s no better time to give yourself, your business, and your brand a refresh in the new year. Here are four new years resolutions to motivate you to focus on growth and your businesses’ success in the brand new, upcoming quarters. 

Acknowledge your wins and your losses 

When optimizing your growth mindset, you must acknowledge your wins and failures. This task might seem daunting because who wants to revisit times where they failed? Defining your pain points allows you to try harder, learn from the loss and turn it into an element of inspiration for your current business strategy. When it comes to your wins, it’s vital to embrace your leadership qualities and your businesses’ core strengths. Find ways to strengthen those qualities and allow them to evolve. A great trick is to compare your wins and losses every quarter to measure your growth. Having an overview motivates and empowers you to move closer to your goals without focusing entirely on the negative aspects. 

Stay present but prepare for the future.

Resolutions aren’t just for the present year, but it’s essential to think about long-term business goals. Whether you’re a solopreneur or a leader managing a team (big or small!), it’s necessary to create a healthy work culture, look at your organization’s bigger picture, and help everybody move closer to their goals. Project management tools or dedicating a notebook to list long-term goals, personal goals, and short-term goals enables you to focus on achieving them without getting sidetracked or unmotivated. With tons of deadlines and meetings, it’s easy to lose track of your end goal, and sometimes you can lose touch with what you’re genuinely passionate about. While thinking about the future can be anxiety-inducing, proper preparation and strategy helps with the longevity of your brand or business and allow for room to grow. Your business isn’t going to be an overnight success; it’s something that’s going to evolve and grow as you grow as an entrepreneur. Create plans, lots of them, and jot down the big ideas you have in store for your business. Speaking your long-term goals into existence, not only helps you manifest them but it challenges you to find an immediate call-to-action to achieve them.

Balance is key 

At the start of every year, we want to try our best to get back into work mode and shake away the feeling of the holiday blues. We 100% understand you; we’re also not ready to kiss the holiday season goodbye. When creating a brand new routine or schedule for the first quarter, giving yourself a healthy work-life balance is essential. Going back into your work routine doesn’t have to be intimidating if you gradually find that medium. In 2021 were there times you felt utterly burned out? For your new years’ resolution, it’s all about balance. Shifting a small percentage of free time for yourself allows you to avoid burnout. Burnout not only affects you physically but mentally too. There are simple, tangible things to include in your routine to balance, such as; disconnecting your phone off-work hours, getting a healthy amount of sleep, or doing something that you enjoy during your downtime. When you get the balance down, you will never have to spend your days recovering from burnout. With your mind refreshed and your body energized, it will be apparent in your business’s success. As a leader, you owe that to yourself, not just on holidays; you deserve that. 

Define your expertise and delegate!

Our New Year’s resolution for you is defining what you’re good at while defining what overwhelms you. As business owners or thought leaders ourselves, we’ve become accustomed to being a jack of all trades.  We spoke about balance previously; now it’s time to shift your focus on what you’re genuinely good at. A successful business has a variety of elements that are needed to; foster a community of loyal customers, get more visibility in digital spaces and, making sure the products or services you’re selling are up to par through strategy, proper communication, and many more. While delegating tasks to a team of experts may feel like you’re losing control, it strengthens your ability to lead while giving you opportunities to learn more skills. Refresh your digital marketing strategy and brand vision this year by building a strong team of digital experts. 

The past two years were a test to businesses big and small; with new resolutions, it’s a chance to apply your learnings,  lead through experience and crisis. This year is all about growth and balance. At RAVEN + CO., we’re all about watching diverse entrepreneurs succeed; it’s in our DNA. Whether you have big ideas for your brand, collaborating with a team of experts, or finding your dream client, we’re here to make that happen in 2022. Speak to our brand experts today, and we’re ready to start this new year off with a bang. 

Here’s to a healthy, prosperous, and positive New Year! We’re rooting for you. 


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